Street view

Finally, with additional grading otuside, Laurel Brook Lodge is beginning to look like our vision…  Here, you begin to see her in nearly her full environment.

Retaining wall Jul31

Retaining wall

The first retaining wall was straight.  It was built half way up and then torn back down because it just wasn’t looking right.  This curved wall has come out fantastic.  It also shows some interesting geometry that comes up all of the time in nature, in things such as a sunflower...

Garage and front door view Jun19

Garage and front doo...

Here you can see an updated view of the porch and garage gable.  The porch steel will be exposed and painted in a rust color.  The garage gable will have a faux truss on the front, also exposed steel and painted rust color.

Roof after shingles Jun18

Roof after shingles

Here is another composite photo taken from on top of the hill of basement excavation dirt.  Compare it to the composite below.

Drying In Jun17

Drying In

The roof finally goes on and we’re dried in… except for the doors and windows.  The floor-to-ceiling windows in the back are still not on yet, as of this writing..